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Notable Names

from Ӱֱ

  • 1700+
    Ӱֱ’s academic staff today
  • 1000
    Candidates of Science
  • 300
    Doctors of Science
  • 6
  • 9
    corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education
The University’s contribution to Russian society has been substantial, and we recall with pride the names of the outstanding scientists and scholars who have worked at Ӱֱ, making significant contributions to the development of the country’s science and industry.

Among them are such luminaries as

Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov

an academician and the father of the Russian school of nuclear physics
Andrey Aleksandrovich Gershun

a professor and the founder of the optical industry
Sergey Pavlovich Glasenapp

an astronomer
Vladimir Nikolayevich Ipatieff

an academician, an army general and a chemist
Alexander Evgenievich Fersman

a pioneer in geochemistry
Vsevolod Vasilievich Perekalin

a professor and the chemist chemist who supervised the development of the pharmaceutical drug Phenibut, used in aerospace medicine and child psychiatry.
Famous pedagogues
  • Petr Kapterev
  • Victor Soroka-Rossinsky
  • Albert Pinkevich
Famous chemists
  • Vladimir Verkhovsky
  • Aleksey Favorsky
  • the botanist Vladimir Komarov
Famous geographers
  • Veniamin Semenov-Tian-Shansky
  • Yulii Shokalsky
Famous physiologists
  • Lev Vygotsky
  • Leon Orbeli
  • Konstantin Bykov
Famous mathematician
  • Grigory Fikhtengolts
  • and many others
Famous writers
  • Maxim Gorky
  • Evgeny Zamyatin
  • and many others
Famous psychologist
  • Sergey Ozhegov
  • Lev Scherba
  • Victor Zhirmunsky
  • Sergey Ozhegov
  • Lev Scherba
  • Victor Zhirmunsky
  • Nikolay Marr
Famous historians
  • Evgeniy Tarle
  • Vasiliy Struve
  • Alexander Presnyakov
  • Sergey Oldenburg
  • Boris Grekov
The University’s graduates have made a considerable contribution to the country’s social and cultural life. Some of the writers, poets, composers, actors, sportsmen, and political figures are well-known outside of Russia, as well, including: Nikolay Zabolotsky, Alexander Kushner, Viktor Sangi, Anatoly Chepurov, Victor Reznikov, Alexander Morozov, Liybov Egorova.