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Foreign students to test their knowledge of Russian
Published 10.10.2021

On October 1, 2021, Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) launches the annual interactive Olympiad “Russia in the Online World” on “Russian as a Foreign Language”. Foreign nationals, school students aged 14 and older, and university students studying Russian are invited to participate in the Olympiad.

Those who wish to take part in the Olympiad and test their knowledge of Russian should register on the project website:

The Olympiad on “Russian as a foreign language” will be held in two stages.

The first stage of the competition will be held online, and take place since October 1, 2021 until January 21 2022. At that stage, future participants register for the competition and complete the tasks of the Olympiad’s first stage. The tasks of the selection stage are designed to evaluate the language proficiency at three levels: elementary level (A1), basic level (A2), first certification level (B1).

The second and final stage will be held offline from March 28 to April 1, 2022 with different venues, mainly the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, its Reserve Centre in Moscow, the Library’s branch in Tyumen, and some locations abroad.

The interactive Olympiad “Russia in the Online World” with the focus on Russian as a foreign language” was held for the first time in the academic year 2019/2020 with participation of three thousand students from 56 countries, including England, France, Germany, Greece, Belarus, China, India, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, the USA and others.

For more information about the Olympiad, please visit the website:

You may also contact the Research and Education Department of the Presidential Library via e-mail: olympiada@prlib.ru or by tel.: +7 (812) 305-16-51


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